Step 1 of 3 , placing product in shopping basket. |
In front of all our products you see the button . When you click this button, the article will be placed in your shopping basket.
Immediately you will see the total cost (including shipping). You can always check the contents of your
shopping basket by clicking content shopping basket at the bottom of the page.
The shopping basket contains the following options:
[continue shopping], to continue shopping.
[empty shopping basket], to delete all articles.
[complete order], you proceed to step 2.
Step 2 of 3, personal details, method of payment. |
After filling out your personal details, you can print your order and check if everything is in order. Please check your email address, otherwise we are not able to send you an email to confirm your order. Only when you click on the option “send” your order is completed.
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By clicking the “send” button you will proceed to step 3. |
Step 3 of 3, confirmation of order. |
Immediately after clicking the “send” button you will get a confirmation by email. You can still cancel your order within 7 days.